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Birds Migration and the Deadly Glass

90.000 is the estimated amount of birds which died from colliding with the windows in every year migrations.

This summer in Chicago Wills Tower, Rockefeller Center in New York, and dozens of skyscraper buildings in 15 towns in the Unites States and Toronto will decrease the usage of night lightings for the sake of birds massive migration.

The reason is:

Million lives of birds have become the victim of windows as they colliding head-on to the solid glass of windows in the run of their migration.

Every year, there are more than 100 million birds collided with the windows in Canada and Unites States. Those birds included the sparrows and other chirping birds. It’s hard indeed to distinguish between the realities and the shadows. They’re also having some kind of sight disorientation at night, especially in the run of spring and autumn migrations.

This jeopardy doesn’t happen in the big towns only, even the urban housings could have become one of the birds migration threat. Fortunately, the action of lights-reduction and patterned window manufactures reduction have currently been increased. If this prevention made to succeed, there will be many birds that made ​​it to the destination safely.

Many countries are nowadays implementing this method in order to maintain the birds population around the world. Some are come with the idea to deter people to build high buildings in the birds’ migration zone.


Sign of bird collision is still visible in the window – Indianapolis